alamendah menulis:"Bunga Kamboja dan Adenium (Kamboja Jepang) adalah dua jenis bunga yang berbeda, meskipun masih berkerabat, yakni sama-sama famili Apocynaceae. Banyak yang tidak menyadari perbedaan Adenium dan Kamboja, bahkan menganggap antara keduanya sebagai jenis bunga"
Selasa, 30 September 2014
[Pos baru] Perbedaan Bunga Kamboja dengan Adenium
Senin, 29 September 2014
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[Pos baru] Srigunting Bukit (Dicrurus remifer) Burung Berekor Raket
alamendah menulis:"Burung Srigunting Bukit (Dicrurus remifer) menjadi salah satu burung khas dengan ciri khusus yaitu memiliki sepasang bulu ekor panjang layaknya 'raket'. Sepasang 'raket' di ekor Srigunting Bukit ini menjadi keunikan sekaligus daya tarik tersendiri bagi se"
Minggu, 28 September 2014
[Pos baru] Kerusakan Lingkungan Akibat Proses Alam
alamendah menulis:"Kerusakan lingkungan akibat proses alam adalah kerusakan terhadap lingkungan hidup yang disebabkan oleh faktor alam. Kerusakan ini terjadi secara alami tanpa campur tangan atau peranan manusia. Meskipun terkadang manusia pun bisa menjadi pemicu awal terja"
Sabtu, 27 September 2014
[Pos baru] Flora dan Fauna Khas Provinsi Riau
alamendah menulis:"Flora dan fauna khas provinsi Riau adalah seri artikel tentang hewan dan tumbuhan khas di masing-masing provinsi di Indonesia. Kali ini yang diangkat adalah flora dan fauna yang ditetapakan menjadi tumbuhan dan hewan identitas provinsi Riau. Selain dinama"
Jumat, 26 September 2014
Download Film Bokep
id: "3",
name: "About me",
hidden: "0",
data: { content:"Your blog's About Me page should not be overlooked. It's an essential tool to establish who you are as a blogger and help readers understand what your blog is about. Simply listing your name and contact information is not enough. Sell yourself and your blog on your About Me page, and make readers believe you're not only an expert in your blog's topic but your blog is also the place for people to find information about your topic on the web. From <a href=''></a>"},
children: [{
id: "4",
name: "About my blog",
hidden: "0",
data: { content:"<p>Your blog's About Me page should not be overlooked. It's an essential tool to establish who you are as a blogger and help readers understand what your blog is about. Simply listing your name and contact information is not enough. Sell yourself and your blog on your About Me page, and make readers believe you're not only an expert in your blog's topic but your blog is also the place for people to find information about your topic on the web. From <a href=''></a></p>Following are the three most important elements to include on your About Me page:Your experience and why you're the best person to blog about your subject matterLinks to your other websites or blogs self promotion is critical to your success as a bloggerYour contact information so interested readers can ask questions or reach out to you for other business opportunities (which happens often in the blogosphere)"},
children: []
} ]
} ,{
id: "5",
name: "How to use the drafts tree",
hidden: "0",
data: { content:"The drafts tree lets you visualize/listen to blog entries, and re-draft or re-wind until you are ready to publish. Each time you hit the save button, a new node is created. "},
children: [{
id: "6",
name: "Use via recording...",
hidden: "0",
data: { content:"You can brainstorm and build your blog entry by recording your voice, and listening to it. Once you have a blog entry that you are satisfied with you can send it for transcription. Then you can edit it in text form and publish it. Alternatively, you can use AuBlog as a traditional blog client by just typing in the Edit Entry page."},
children: []
} ,{
id: "7",
name: "Use via typing...",
hidden: "0",
data: { content:"You can also simply type your blog entry by clicking on the Edit button."},
children: []
} ]
Attached is a backup of the blog drafts. You can open it as text, and you can also open it as a Interactive Draft Tree on the AuBlog web interface at the on the website.
Bidara Dari Khasiat Gangguan Jin Hingga Herbal
alamendah menulis:"Pohon Bidara (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.) sejak lama daunnya telah dikenal keampuhannya sebagai pelengkap terapi terhadap gangguan jin dan ilmu sihir. Selain sebagai media pengobatan sihir dan gangguan jin, daun bidara pun dikenal sebagai herbal terutama ba"